3 Easy Ways to Pay During the Canada Post Lockout
To our valued clients,
Due to the lockout of Canada Post employees, and subsequent suspension of postal service, you may need to make alternate arrangements to mailing in a cheque. The vast majority of our subscribers receive your invoice via email. If you normally receive an invoice by mail, we will also be emailing a copy to you.
Here are three options:
1. Use Pre Authorized Payments
Sign up for our pre-authorized payment service and have your monthly payment deducted automatically from any chequing account, or from your Visa or Master Card. Simply fill in this form, and fax it to our office.
2. Pay Using Online Banking
We can accept Online or Telephone Banking with the following financial institutions:
- BMO (Bank of Montreal)
- Credit Unions
- Scotia Bank
- RBC (Royal Bank)
3. Pay by Phone or Online using Visa or Master Card
Call 1-877-373-6121 with your invoice and credit card ready and we will be happy to process your payment. Our online bill payment page is also available for credit card payments.
Thank you for your support.