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Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

* Hosting Service Upgrades

Posted on October 27th, 2017 by Kirk. Filed under Announcements, WordPress.

We’re excited to roll out a number of enhancements for our web site hosting services! Our new baseline configuration for new web sites is now:

  • nginx 1.10 (with http2 support)
  • php7.0 or php5.6 (php7.1 available on request)
  • mariadb 10.1 (a mysql replacement)
  • Free LetsEncrypt SSL certificates
  • We still have a wide range of commercial SSL certificates, including EVcertificates, available as well from Comodo, GeoTrust, Thawte, and Verisign
  • The perfect environment for high performance WordPress web sites!

We’re analyzing existing sites on our service, and migrating existing sites to the newer server when it’s appropriate. If we’re hosting your site, and you’d like to take advantage of these newer technologies, get in touch and request a site upgrade.

nginx   PHP   MariaDB


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* WordPress 4.2 Powell

Posted on April 24th, 2015 by Kirk. Filed under Support, WordPress.

WordPress 4.2 “Powell” has been released. The team has done it again, adding new features and improving the WordPress experience. Have a look at this video for the highlights.

This release adds a number of new improvements including:

  • Easier content sharing with an improved “Press This” feature
  • Switch themes from the Customizer
  • Plugin updates have been streamlined
  • New automatic embeds for Tumblr and Kickstarter
  • Extended character support for Asian languages, music and mathematical symbols, hieroglyphs, even emoji
  • They’ve also added a number of ‘under the hood’ improvements

We’ll be upgrading VIP client sites up to the latest version this week.

Do It Yourself Upgrade

The built in upgrade tool from the WordPress dashboard can be used to upgrade your site at any time. Just log in to your Dashboard, then go to Updates. From there, just click on the “Update Now”.

Upgrading WordPress is Easy!

Upgrading WordPress is Easy!

Professional Upgrade Service

If you would like assistance with your site from one of our professionals, fill in our online form. We charge $25 for a basic upgrade, which will include upgrades to the WordPress core, as well as any themes or plugins that need an upgrade. A full site and database backup is performed before we do the upgrade.


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* WordPress 4.0 – Have you upgraded yet?

Posted on September 8th, 2014 by Kirk. Filed under Announcements, Support, WordPress.

WordPress 4.0 “Benny” has been released, with a number of improvements to make editing your web site in WordPress a smoother, more visual experience. The editor, media embedding,  media manager, and plugins page have all been given a make over in this release.

Secure by Design has been using WordPress as our go to Content Management System for all of our new web sites since 2008. We’ve helped deploy or host more than 100 WordPress powered web sites.  In addition to the solid WordPress core, we also have access to premium themes & plugins including Video Tutorials, StudioPress themes, and GravityForms.

Do It Yourself Upgrade

The built in upgrade tool from the WordPress dashboard can be used to upgrade your site at any time.

Wordpress 4.0 Upgrade

Upgrading WordPress is Easy!

Full Service Assisted Upgrade

If you would like assistance with your site from one of our professionals, fill in our online form. We charge $25 for a basic upgrade, which will include upgrades to the WordPress core, as well as any themes or plugins that need an upgrade. A full site and database backup is performed before we do the upgrade.



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* WordPress 3.9

Posted on May 9th, 2014 by Kirk. Filed under Announcements, Support, WordPress.

WordPress 3.9 “Smith” was released on April 16th, with a minor maintenance update to 3.9.1 on May 8th. This new release has a number of exciting new features. Watch this video for a great overview:

New features include:

  • A smoother media editing experience
  • Improved visual editing
  • Easy image editing
  • Drag and drop image support
  • Gallery previews in the editor
  • Audio and video playlists
  • Live widget and header previews
  • Find new themes with the theme browser

Secure by Design provides WordPress powered web hosting solutions, currently we’re hosting more than 100 sites on the WordPress platform. Customers can update to the latest version themselves, or take advantage of our expertise. We offer WordPress updates for $25 + tax per site.


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