Secure by Design

Helping You Make Sense of the Internet.

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We’re Moving to Castlegar!

Our 625 Front Street office is closing August 30th, and we will reopen in Castlegar September 5th.

Our new location is 101-2327 6th Avenue in Castlegar, next to Back in Balance Family Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, Suzie’s Designer Nails, and Posies Plant and Floral.  We are excited to get to know our new neighbours, and looking forward to serving all of you in our new location.

This will not affect any internet, web hosting, or email services for our customers, as these are handled out of off-site data centres. The Front Street location has our office systems for staff, and we are able to move these fairly easily.

During this time, we will have extra staff on hand to help. Anthony and Melissa will both be around to help in the office, get things organized, and keep things running smoothly. We will do all we can during this time to maintain the great customer service you’ve come to expect!

What is changing?

Our mailing address for cheque or money order payments will be different:

Secure by Design
101-2327 6th Avenue
Castlegar, BC, V1N 2W1

Will my Internet, web site or email go down?

No. All of our customer facing systems are already in data centres outside of our office therefore there won’t be any interruptions to your services.

What if I need help?

Our toll free number will not change: 1-877-373-6121 You can also email our sales or tech addresses as usual.

Secure by Design – 101 – 2327 6th Ave, Castlegar

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