Secure by Design

Helping You Make Sense of the Internet.

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Web Site Needs Assessment

  • Give us your main reasons for needing a new website.

    It's helpful to set SMART goals as it keeps all of us on the same page and moving in the same direction. IE: Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. With this in mind, what are the top 5 business needs of your new website? EG: 20% increase in sales in 6 months, 30% increase in membership this year, reduce admin costs by 15% in 3 months
  • Your Current Web Site

    What works, what doesn't.
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
    The site looks professional
    It is easy to add new content
    Content is well organized
    Most of our visitors like our site
    The site works well on a phone or tablet
    Please answer these questions about your current web site.
  • Your Future Site

    Tell us about what you want in a new site.
    • Represents our organization well visually
    • Gives visitors a clear path to achieve their goals
    • Is easy to add and edit content
    • Integrates with social media
    • Has multiple vendors available to support and maintain the site
    • Works on all devices, including desktops, phones and tablets
    • Accessible: eg text size and high contrast options
    Drag each option up and down to arrange the list in order of most important at the top, and least important on the bottom.
  • Who Are We Doing This For?

  • There may be more than one type of visitor to your site. You may have customers, members, or other interested parties visting your site.
  • EG: research product information, get contact details, ask questions about services, pricing
  • What Does Success Look Like?

  • Personal Information

    So we can identify which survey belongs where, please provide your name and email address. Thanks!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.