Windows 95/98 and ME Dial Up Settings
To start, open ‘My Computer’, then open ‘Dial Up Networking’.
Next double click on the ‘Make New Connection’ icon.
1. Welcome to the New Connection Wizard. Click Next.
2. Type SBD in the box labelled ‘Type a name for the computer you are dialling:’. Click Next.
3. Type one of the following in the ‘Telephone Number’ box:
Dial-up phone number: 1-800-553-1802
Click Next.
4. Click on Finish. You’re not done yet.
5. Right-Click on the new SBD icon. Choose Properties.
6. Uncheck the ‘Use area code and dialing properties.’
7. Click on the ‘Server Types’ tab. Uncheck all boxes, except the TCP/IP box at the bottom, which must be checked.
8. Click on the ‘TCP/IP Settings’ button. Uncheck ‘Use IP Header compression’ at the bottom of the screen, leave all other settings as you find them.
9. Click OK on TCP/IP settings, and OK on the Properties screen.
10. Double click on your new SBD icon to connect. Enter your username and password, as below, and click on Connect.
** Username:
Password: ********
** Enter your username here, not the word username
Please note, that if you have a email address, you can continue to use it, you do not have to change your email address!
You’re done, and will now be connected to the Internet. To add a shortcut to the SBD connection to your Desktop, right click on the SBD icon in the ‘Dial-up Networking’ window, and choose Create Shortcut.
Once you’ve successfully connected with SBD, right click on the ‘Net Idea’ icon and choose Delete. This will prevent confusion later on.